Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why Can't I Buy Them All?

Who is my favourite shoe designer?

Hmmm......who am I kidding? I don't have to think this question over, it is hands down Kate & Mel. Their shoes are fun, comfortable (even the heels) and affordable. They definitely have a triple threat going on there.

Everytime I walk into TownShoes (which is quite often...I have a problem, okay?!) I bee line it straight for the Kate and Mel display, and they never seem to dissapoint. Although some of my friends have placed their designs in the "abnormal" pile, they're always in the "YESYESYES" pile for me.

It's funny when it comes to this duo. I buy a pair of their shoes, take them home and show my sister (spreading my joy of new found heels). The first thing she says everytime is "I don't like them. They're weird". OBVIOUSLY I don't listen to her because:

1) A person that says the shoes I buy are "weird" is crazy.
2) I frankly don't care what she thinks of them. I don't have to agree with her on everything.

So I move on with my day, trying not to bitch-slap her everytime I cross her path. Now, you're probably wondering where the "funny" thing about Kate and Mel shoes come in. Well, about....a month later, everytime and I mean EVERYTIME, my sister borrows the shoes. Wears them as if their hers and takes the compliments she receives as if she has always loved the pair. Maybe it's because she sees them in the house and starts to get used to them...who knows. But one thing is for sure, whenever I get a new pair of Kate and Mel shoes I show my sister and hide them.

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