Monday, September 10, 2012

I Should Go Shopping With My Dad More Often...

Story Time! I went on a huge shopping spree with my parents a few weekends ago, because I was leaving for school and needed some new things...especially shoes (a girl can never have too many). And as usual I had to stop by Town Shoes to see if any new styles had come out. I found a few pairs that I liked but voted against them because they were sandals and winter is coming! (Game of thrones anyone?)

I thought I was going to walk out of the store empty handed until my dad brought me a shoe and told me to try it on. My dad is in the shoe industry so he knows what works, what doesn't and what will last the longest. He handed me this shoe:

At first I thought my dad was hallucinating. They weren't really my style...until I tried them on. Hands down the COMFIEST shoes I have ever tried. They hug your feet and have the perfect arch and cushioning, and they have a great grip. Same material as Hunter rain boots so they'll last me years! They started to grow on me so I bought them. Yay to a good purchase!

I HIGHLY recommend this pair of shoes! At least go to your nearest shoe store that holds Hunter and try them on and tell me what you think!

Get the shoes: 

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